Caranguejo Uca
- project: Fashion Design. The project is part of a multidisciplinary art project (photography, Editorial Design)
- url: professional/favela/favela.html
- collaboration: The project group *Carangejo Uca (Recife, Brazil), Brazilian photographer Isaías Belo
- support: Casa do Brasil inc., Munich, Germany
- 2004/2005
- The photo series on the people of FAVELA - Ilha de Deus and their surroundings in Recife [Brazil] is a photo documentation with interviews of an extremely poor community executed in 2003.
Part of it is also the pinhole photography collaboration project with Brazilian photographer Isaías Belo. In March 2005 the project was shown at Eine-Welt-Haus in Munich, Germany, supported by Munich Brazilian Association Casa do Brasil inc.. An article published in the German-Brazilian magazine BRAZINE, No. 13 which circulates in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, featured the project. During the photo exhibit designer t-shirts and fabric bags were offered to the public to help supporting the *Caranguejo Uca. This in Brazil located project group promotes the social, economic, political and cultural growth of the FAVELA - Ilha de Deus projects.

- Tags