Life is Meaning - Information visualization
- project: Web-based information visualization
- url:
- collaboration: Sarven Capadisli (Web Integration) and Laurier Rochon (Flash Actionscript)
- support: CIAM - Centre interuniversitaire des arts médiatiques
- 2008
- The Web project "Life is Meaning" collects worldwide public thoughts that are presented in an information visualization. The interface of “Life is Meaning” is a Flash Web site that visualizes the information stored in a database. “Life is Meaning” uses its own graphical elements and creates a system within itself. The developpment of concept and design was my part in the project.
- Lifesans, a three-weight lowercase sansserif typeface design, has been added to the project.
- dissemination: Poster presentation, Siggraph 2008, Los Angeles Convention Center, U.S.A., 2008.
- paper: Thesis/Research Paper