Montreal italic (calligraphy book)

Cover of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Open Montreal italic calligraphy book

Title page of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page with alphabet of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'imagine' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the letters 'klmn' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'language' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word city' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'grafitti' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'vibrant' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'socialisation' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'years' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'excusez' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'ogod' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'excellent' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'background' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'ghettos' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'together' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'here' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'winter' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'douteuse' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word texts' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'lovestory' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

Page containing the word 'lhomme' of Montreal italic calligraphy book

'Back cover of Montreal italic calligraphy book

The work in progress:

Miniature mock-ups were useful to plan the layout. Calligraphic writing has been scanned and layouted in photoshop before being printed in small size.

Layout mock-ups

The paper is folded with a bonefolder:

Folding the sheet of paper

Everything is ready to start writing:

Calligraphy material on table

Raw sheets of 12 x 18 inch are folded in 4 parts. Old books, which needed to be opened when they were new, inspired me to keep the 12 x 18 inch sheet in its full size. I wonder if someone will ever open the book pages.

Sheet with calligraphic writing

Sheet folded in half with calligraphic writing

Sheet folded in a quarter with calligraphic writing

The paper and calligraphic details

Detail of linen paper border

Detail of calligraphic writing

Fran Sendbuehler from no bar code press, my bookbinder, is sewing the pages:

Bookbinder sewing the pages of the book

Many hours of calligraphic practice:

Calligraphy of the word minimum

Several calligraphy sheets

Calligraphy of the words Le Vieux

Brigitte Schuster