Lifesans Typeface Design

Interior of Lifesans Typeface booklet:

Cover of typeface booklet

All typefaces sample in LifeSans typeface booklet

LightSans sample in LifeSans typeface booklet

MediumSans sample in LifeSans typeface booklet

BoldSans sample in LifeSans typeface booklet

A few BoldSans type samples in LifeSans typeface booklet

Flipping the LifeSans typeface booklet

Pencil Sketches in LifeSans typeface booklet

Vector s in LifeSans typeface booklet

Page about Kerning in LifeSans typeface booklet

Visualisation example of typeface in LifeSans typeface booklet

Closing the LifeSans typeface booklet

The LifeSans Typeface:

Lifesans bold character Set:

Character set of life sans bold

Lifesans bold:

Fontsample of life sans bold

Lifesans medium:

Fontsample of life sans medium

Lifesans light:

Fontsample of life sans light

On-screen tests:

Fontsample of life sans in life is meaning project environment

Zoomed in Fontsample of life sans in life is meaning project environment

Brigitte Schuster